
Michelle Ladd
Director of Preschool
(270) 887-7004
Akeisha Peek Preschool/Special Education Consultant
(270) 887-7004
Derrisha (Dee) Jones
Secretary to Special Education Dept.
(270) 887-7004
Domonique Baker
Preschool Resource Teacher
(270) 887-7004
Lisa Sisk
School Psychologist (270) 887-7004
Kaitlynne Bolinger
School Readiness Coordinator
Christian County Public Schools offer high-quality preschool programing for young children living in Christian County. The half-day programs are free of charge to parents and transportation is provided. Children attend school Monday through Thursday.
Children are closely supervised, with at least one adult to each ten children in the class. The program is designed to be developmentally appropriate for all children and includes low income four-year-olds of all ability levels, including those identified as disabled. It also includes three- and four-year-olds identified as disabled.
Related services are available to assist disabled children in benefiting from their educational program. These include speech/language, occupational therapy and physical therapy.
To be considered as a four-year-old, a child must turn four by August 1 of the present school year. A child born after August 1 of the present school year is considered a three-year-old for the entire school year.
To qualify for the preschool program a child must be either:
1) four years old by August 1 and meet the Preschool income guidelines (160% of poverty),
2) three or four years old and developmentally delayed
Southwest KY Community Early Childhood Council (CCEC)
Community Early Childhood Councils were created as part of Governor Paul E. Patton's Early Childhood Initiative, KIDS NOW House Bill 706.
The primary goal of all Community Early Childhood Councils (CECCs) is to build innovative, collaborative partnerships that promote school readiness for children and families.
The Southwest KY Community Early Childhood Council includes representatives from the Christian, Todd and Trigg school districts, Health Department, Child Care providers, Head Start, Library, Child Care Resource and Referral, Early Intervention, Government and other interested parties. For more information contact Tracey Shifflett.