Special Education

Michelle Ladd
Michelle Ladd
Director of Special Education/Preschool Services
(270) 887-7004
Corey Love Batey
Assistant Director of Special Education
Derrisha (Dee) Jones
Secretary to Special Education
Special Education Consultants
Paula Snorton
Mary Bryan
Deena Oliver
Amy Day
Bonnie Mimms
Kelly Grimes
- Section 504 Student Referral.pdf
- Section 504 Meeting Summary.pdf
- Section 504 Manifestation Determination.pdf
- Section 504 Documentation of Contact.pdf
- Section 504 Notice of Eligibility.pdf
- Section 504 Parents Rights.pdf
- Section 504 Notice of Meeting.pdf
- Section 504 Eligibility Determination.pdf
- Section 504 Impartial Hearing.pdf
- 504 Procedures 2015.pdf
- Section 504 Consent for Implementation.pdf
- Section 504 Evaluation Summary.pdf
- Section 504 Accomodation Plan.pdf
- Section 504 Health Care Prover Questionaire.pdf
- Section 504 Eligibility Evaluation.pdf
- EC-1 New Referral Checklist.pdf
- EC-2 Re-Evaluation Checklist.pdf
- EC-3 Procedural Safeguards.doc
- EC-4 Referral.pdf
- EC-5 Permission to Screen updated .pdf
- EC-9 Developmental Social Health History.doc
- EC-11 Behavior Observation.doc
- EC-18 Notice of Proposed Action-Testing.doc
- EC-23 Student Survey-Transition.doc
- EC-24 Parent Survey-Transition.doc
- EC-26 Release of Information.doc
- EC-27 Request to Destroy Records.doc
- EC-33 Communication Written Report.doc
- EC-35 Notification of FAPE-Withdrawal.doc
- EC-37 Notice of Transfer of Parent Rights.doc
- EC 37a Transfer of Parent Rights-student letter.doc
- ec-41 Physician Letter Physically Impaired.doc
- EC-43 Physician`s Letter-Hearing Impaired.doc
- EC-44 Physician's Letter OHI.doc
- EC-45 Physician`s Letter-VI.doc
- EC-56 Special Ed. Transportation.doc
- EC-60 Motor Screening.docx
- EC-62 Dismissal of Member from ARC Meeting.doc
- EC-65 Exclusionary Factors.docx
School Psychologists
Kim Downey
Aubrey Durbin
Karen Shelton
Maggie Rager
Hannah Janecek
Michelle Lyle
James Fogarty
Carol Sturdivant
The Christian County Public Schools Special Education Department is dedicated to providing tailored services and support to students with identified disabilities. Our team of over 100 committed special education teachers and service providers works tirelessly across our schools to ensure that every student receives the individualized accommodations and instruction needed to thrive academically and reach their fullest potential.
Accommodations are practices and procedures in the areas of presentation, response, setting, and timing/scheduling that provide equitable access during instruction and assessments for students with disabilities.
Accommodations are intended to reduce or even eliminate the effects of a student’s disability; they do not reduce learning expectations. The accommodations provided to a student must be the same for classroom instruction, classroom assessments, and district and state assessments.
Accommodations are intended to reduce or even eliminate the effects of a student’s disability; they do not reduce learning expectations. The accommodations provided to a student must be the same for classroom instruction, classroom assessments, and district and state assessments.
Alternate K-PREP
The Kentucky Alternate K-PREP program is a means of assessing the instruction provided to students with moderate and significant disabilities (i.e., for the less than 1% of the total student population for whom traditional assessments would be an inappropriate measure of progress).
There are two components: Attainment Tasks (AT) and Transition Attainment Record (TAR)
Attainment Tasks (AT)
Attainment tasks are scripted tests with picture supports that measure student knowledge in the areas of reading, writing, math, science and social studies.
Transition Attainment Record (TAR)
The Transition Attainment Record is a checklist which evaluates the student’s readiness in reading, mathematics and science. This assessment is for 8th, 10th and 11th grade students.
There are two components: Attainment Tasks (AT) and Transition Attainment Record (TAR)
Attainment Tasks (AT)
Attainment tasks are scripted tests with picture supports that measure student knowledge in the areas of reading, writing, math, science and social studies.
Transition Attainment Record (TAR)
The Transition Attainment Record is a checklist which evaluates the student’s readiness in reading, mathematics and science. This assessment is for 8th, 10th and 11th grade students.
Alternatives to Suspension
Assistive Technology
The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) requires schools to provide appropriate assistive technology to students with disabilities when it supports their acquisition of a free and appropriate public education (FAPE). Individual Education Plans (IEPs) developed for children identified as needing special education services, must indicate that assistive technology has been considered to "to provide meaningful access to the general curriculum" (IDEA, 1997). More specifically, IDEA indicates that assistive technology devices and services must be made available to a child with a disability if required as a part of the child's special education, related services or supplementary aids and services.
Assistive technology is any item that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of a child with a disability. For some students with disabilities, assistive technology may be the only way that access to the general curriculum can be ensured!
Assistive technology is any item that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of a child with a disability. For some students with disabilities, assistive technology may be the only way that access to the general curriculum can be ensured!
General Education Teachers
Students with disabilities are educated in a variety of classroom settings. Therefore, it is important that teachers in general education settings are equipped to meet the needs of these students. The following documents are provided as resources to general education teachers to assist with understanding the requirements of educating students with diverse learning needs.
Infinite Campus
For questions regarding special education Infinite Campus issues, contact Tammi Buckingham by email or calling 887-7004, extension 77530.