What is Profile of a Graduate?
The CCPS Profile of a Graduate was developed through the collaboration of community and business leaders, school staff, students, school, and district administrators. The Profile of a Graduate includes six competencies, or essential skills, that students need to master to be successful in today’s world. These competencies will be a part of every CCPS student’s school experience from elementary through high school.
Throughout their school experience, students will develop artifacts that demonstrate the Profile of a Graduate competencies. These artifacts will be discussed in the Profile of a Graduate defense, which is a culmination of the student’s journey and application of the competencies to their school experience and beyond. At the high school defense, students will be prepared to answer the question: How have the Profile of a Graduate competencies prepared me to impact my community and my world?
The Profile of a Graduate will prepare students to accomplish the CCPS mission, which is to ensure meaningful learning experiences that empower ALL students IN reaching their fullest potential in a changing world. We will provide the tools for preschool to post-graduation success by uniting all shareholders to support diverse academic and social-emotional needs.

Six Competencies of a Graduate
Career and/or Work-Ready Professional