Pupil Personnel

Dr. Melanie A Barrett
Director of Pupil Personnel
(270) 887-7005
Ms. Angela Brown
Home/Hospital Coordinator
(270) 887-1120 Ext: 77018
Ms. Khristen Knight
Project Clerk
(270) 887-7005
Ms. Mary Saupe
Administrative Secretary I
Ext: 77025
Ms. Kim Bangart
Ext: 77035
Ms. DeLacy Armstrong
(270) 887-7000
Ms. Jan Knight Receptionist
(270) 887-7000
Katrina Wright
Student Data Specialist Ext. 77503

Infinite Campus and System Support
Christian County Public Schools in accordance with the Kentucky Department of Education, relies on Infinite Campus as the student management system. Infinite Campus provides staff, students, and parents a portal to monitor student progress in the classroom as well as grades, attendance, behavior, class scheduling as well as a host of other features.
Parents are encouraged to sign up for a Parent Portal account through their child's school.
Quick Links
2024-2025 CCPS Code of Acceptable Behavior
2024-2025 CCPS Code of Acceptable Behavior (Spanish)
Online Registration (Spanish Version)
Family Resource and Youth Services Centers
Campus Parent Portal Info (Spanish Version)
Student District Drug Testing Policy
Student District Drug Testing Policy (Spanish Version)
Q. What documentation do I need to provide when registering my child in school?
A. Prior to school attendance, each student shall have on file:
* a legal birth certificate or other reliable proof* of age and identification
* a current Kentucky certificate of immunization
* proof of a preventative health care examination conducted within six months prior to initial entry into the Head Start Program and another preventative health care examination within one-year priority to entry into the 6th grade
* proof of an eye examination between ages 3-6 by an optometrist or ophthalmologist, documented on the Kentucky School Eye Exam Form; documentation must be presented to the school district no later than January 1 of the first year that the child is enrolled
* proof of a dental screening or examination by a dentist, dental hygienist, physician, registered nurse, advanced registered nurse practitioner or physician assistant, documented on the Kentucky Dental Screening Form (This form must be presented to the school no later than January 1 of the first year that a 5- or 6-year-old child is enrolled.)
KDE guidance indicates that schools are required to enroll students regardless of their immigration status and provide additional enrollment assistance to those students who are “homeless children and youths," individuals who lack a fixed, regular and adequate night-time residence.
*Examples of "other reliable proof:" Types of "other reliable proof" of a student's identity and age may include but not be limited to:
Social Security card; passport; military identification or immigration card; baptismal certificate; copy of the record of baptism – notarized or duly certified and which reflects the date of the student’s birth; recording of student’s name and birth in a family Bible or other religious text; notarized statement from the parents or another relative or guardian as to the date of the student’s birth; prior school record indicating the date of the student’s birth; driver’s license or learner’s permit; adoption record; any religious record authorized by a religious official; affidavit of identity and age; any government document or court record reflecting the date of the student’s birth; oral proof when the native language of a parent or guardian is not a written language.
B. Proof of residency is needed for each student enrollment. Parents/Guardians should bring 1 (one) item from section A and 2 (two) items from section B (see below).
A. A copy of current lease, deed or tax bill
B. A copy of current KY drivers license, documented government assistance, current
electric, water, cable, cell phone bill and/or auto insurance statement.