This section contains information about the Christian County Public Schools' English Learners (EL) Program.
- Lau Plan 2024-25.pdf
- 2024-2025 Code of Acceptable Behavior Spanish Version.pdf
- Required Documents for Enrollment Spanish.pdf
- Online Registration Spanish Version 4.21.22.pdf
- Campus Parent Portal Info Spanish Version 4.21.22.pdf
- Student Mobile Device User Agreement in Spanish.docx
- Truancy Laws Español - leyes de ausentismo escolar y políticas de asistencia 2024-2025.pdf
- Drug_Policy 2022 Spanish Version 4.21.22_(2).pdf
- (Spanish) CCPS VLA Virtual Assurances Sheet.doc
- Notice to Individuals Regarding Title IX Sexual Harrassment Discrimination (Spanish).docx
- Spanish Civility Policy
- Spanish Duty to Report

The district Title III Language Development Plan is designed to help all English Learner students succeed by providing programs and strategies that allow equal educational opportunities for all EL students.
To meet the requirements, each school will:
1. Have an EL teacher within the building to coordinate services with the district coordinator, content area teachers, and counselors;
2. Use the Christian County District Language Development Plan or develop a school plan that addresses the following;
Identification of Primary Home Language Other Than English
The Home Language Survey (HLS) is given to parents to fill out at time of enrollment.
Surveys given to limited English proficient parents must be, when possible, in a language they understand.
Assessment of English Learners
The WIDA Screener (WIDA-ACCESS Placement Test). It is an English language proficiency "screener" test given to incoming students who may be designated as English language learners. It assists educators with programmatic placement decisions such as identification and placement of ELs. The WIDA Screener is one component of WIDA's comprehensive assessment system.
The assessment must be administered within 30 days from the beginning of the school year or two weeks after enrollment during the school year.
Program Services Plan for EL Students
EL students will be provided a Program Services Plan (PSP) with accommodations that will allow them the opportunity to attain English proficiency, while meeting challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards.
Staff and Professional Development
As required by Title III, the district must provide training, aligned with State and local standards, to school personnel to improve the instruction and assessment of EL students.
Equal Access to other School District Programs
EL students will have equal opportunities to participate in a range of programs made available to the general student population (e.g. Title I, migrant education, gifted and talented, special education, extended school services, extracurricular activities such as athletics and band, etc.)
Parent and Community Engagement
Each school will inform and involve parents in decisions made by the school in reference to their children’s participation in an EL program. Parents of EL students will have equal access to school information involving their children through the use of translated documents, translators provided by the school, translators provided by the parents, etc. The school district also offers Language Line a translation service available in different languages. Services such as those provided by the Family Resource Center or Youth Services Center in each school will be utilized for parent and community engagement.
Program Evaluation, Review, and Improvement
The Christian County School District will hold accountable all elementary, middle and high schools for the district’s annual measurable achievement objectives through a program evaluation submitted to the district toward the end of the school year. Program improvement will be a part of each school’s comprehensive plan.